
Specializing In:
- Worker's Compensation
- Accident Claims
- Domestic/Marital Infidelity
- Child Custody
- Criminal Investigations
- Background Investigations
- Corporate Theft
Our Company primarily specializes in worker's compensation and accident claims for insurance companies, attorneys and self-insured businesses.
Our Company provides expert assistance in dealing with theft, drugs in the workplace, covert operations, workplace violence situations and consulting in all areas of each client's needs.
Our Company conducts all levels of background investigations including criminal, employment, education and personal references. A full name, date of birth, and last known address are required to conduct an individual background investigation. Frequently, a social security number will also be required in order to validate particular information.
With the use of our modern equipment in documenting activities by video taping, photography, etc. our Company has assisted clientele over the years in settling claims and recovering losses.
Our Company has had extensive experience in dealing with domestic investigations and child custody providing confidential and discreet service with a high level of success. Our Investigators are experienced in evidence collection for court proceedings.